The Australian Institute of Archaelogy houses an extensive library collection consisting of books, journals and excavation reports based on archaeological research in the Near East, Egypt and the Mediteranean. There is also a significant collection relating to biblical studies.
Located within walking distance to Melbourne's La Trobe University the Institute of Archaeology's library is a quiet and reflective place to conduct your research and study. Our library and artefact collection is right at your fingertips and we offer spacious desk space for students as well as private offices for visiting scholars.
The library collection is currently unavailable to view online. We hope to have this back up very shortly. Please check back again soon or contact Chris Davey for more information director@aiarch.org.au

​The library is a research collection and is not available for lending. Access to the collections are available only at the Institute.
Click here to view a complete listing of all the journals and the holdings we have in our collection.
The Australian Institute of Archaeology is keen to exchange our journal, Buried History, with comparable journals for inclusion in the Institute’s library. If you are interested an Institutional Exchange, please contact the Editor, Christopher Davey on director@aiarch.org.au or call + 61 4 2159 5966.
The Institute has an archive of its own documents from 1930 onward.
John Thompson
List of materials held in preparation
Leon Morris
List of materials held in preparation
GRH (Mick) Wright
List of materials held in preparation
Please contact the Director, Christopher Davey at director@aiarch.org.au or call +61 0 421 595 966 for more information.