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The Petrie Oration

The Petrie Oration is the annual lecture of the Australian Institute of Archaeology. It commemorates the life and work of Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, who contributed so much to archaeology and to the collections of the Institute. It is delivered by significant archaeological scholars from Australia and Overseas.



Dr Claudia Sagona MOM, FAHA,

University of Melbourne

Southeast Malta: A Gateway to Cultural Change


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Past Petrie Orations:



Associate Professor Andrew S. Jamieson FSA,

University of Melbourne

Searching for the potters behind the pots: the Tell Ahmar Neo-Assyrian ceramic assemblage.​



Dr Anna-Latifa Mourad,

Macquarie University

Networks, Migrations, and the Enigma of the Hyksos



Emeritus Professor Ron Ridley FSA FAHA FRHS University of Melbourne

Talking sense about Akhenaten




Dr Jennifer Webb AM, La Trobe University

Copper production and trade in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: The view from Lapithos


Dr Irving Finkel, British Museum

The Ark before Noah



Dr Craig Barker, University of Sydney

Urban Roman Cyprus: New Evidence from 2nd Century AD Nea Paphos


Lloyd Weeks, Professor of Archaeology, University of New England

Eat, Pray, Smelt: the Enigmatic Prehistoric Desert Site of Saruq al-Hadid, Dubai, U.A.E


Professor Alison Betts, University of Sydney

Kingship and the Gods in Ancient Khorezm: new light on the early history of Zoroastrianism


Dr. Ron Tappy, G. Albert Shoemaker Professor of Bible and Archaeology and Director of the Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology

Samaria's Ostraca House: Making Sense of a Complicated Context


Professors Carol L. Meyers and Eric M. Meyers, Duke University

Holy Land Archaeology: Where the Past Meets the Present


Professor Wayne Horowitz, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Seeing Gods in the Sky: Astronomy, Astrology, and Cultural Identity in The Ancient Near East and Beyond


Professor William Dever

Reflections on the death of Biblical Archaeology


Professor Timothy Harrison, University of Toronto

Taita and the ‘Land of Palistin’: Recent discoveries at Tell Tayinat and vicinity


Dr Thomas Davis, Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute

St Paul on Cyprus: Transformation of an Apostle


Dr Bruce Winter, Principal, Queensland Theological College

First Corinthians off the Rocks: Archaeological Resolutions of its Enigmas?


Professor James K Hoffmeier, Trinity International University

New Evidence for the Amarna Period on the East Frontier of Egypt


Professor Naguib Kanawati  AM  Macquarie University

Recent archaeological work in the Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, Egypt


Dr Kathryn Eriksson, La Trobe University

The eruption of Thera (Santorini) and its impact in the east Mediterranean: archaeological analysis of mid-second millennium BC societies and the Biblical tradition of the Exodus


Edwin Judge, Emeritus Professor of History, Macquarie University

On this Rock I will build my Ekklesia: Counter-cultic springs of Multiculturalism?


Alan Millard, Emeritus Professor, University of Liverpool

Half a pot is better than no pot at all: The role of accident in archaeology


Professor Rosalie David, Keeper of Egyptology, Manchester Museum

Flinders Petrie and the Manchester Mummies: a resource for scientific studies of life and death in ancient Egypt


Professor Anson Rainey, University of Tel Aviv

The Tell el Amarna Letters: 100 years after Flinders Petrie

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The Australia Institute of Archaeology

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               Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3086
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